
Monday 25 March 2013

Dont Wanna Be Perfect

So she wanted perfection. she wanted to show people that she deserved to be liked and loved.
May be this was because she wanted to get from people a fair share of their feeling.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Lesson Not Learnt!

Everyday spent is a day lost or a day lived
The life is being built on today.
Every coming day of our life teaches us our life's lesson.
We learn and apply them.
But the tragedy is we apply the lesson for that day 
For that event 
Or for that person
We forget that lessons of life are general.
These are to be applied 
Not on days but on life
Not on events but on behavior
And not on any other person but we, ourselves
We apply the lessons and forget.
So our copy of life of becomes full of events but free of success.

Monday 18 March 2013

Sun Arose

She kept her shut tightly. She was afraid that after opening her eyes she won't find any light.....but a sky darker than black back of her eye lashes.

Friday 28 December 2012

Write For The sake of Writing Something

So here comes the mood swing of the age. It is normal. Relax.
Be more than happy or be more than sad. This is what Rubab needs. But this is not realty, is it?

Saturday 22 December 2012

What Do You Think?

She used to think I could conquer the world if I could conquer the hearts.
It is as simple as that. 
But is it really simple?

Tuesday 18 December 2012


The weather was perfect to make bubbles, sunny and warm. So they fully benefited from the opportunity. But he was not with them. He was apart from them a lot apart.

Thursday 15 November 2012

When Life Is Open

She knew that life is not a miracle. You have to live if you want to survive. A moment lost in nothingness means lost life of hundreds of moments. The thought that was the center of her life was, "Capabilities are obligations".

Thursday 8 November 2012

They Say “Life is too Short To Wait”

The same was the ideology of Rubab. She was impatient sort of passionate. She wanted her dreams to be fulfilled in no time. She wanted to reach skies with rockets at her feet. There was no tomorrow for her in her desires. She was enthusiastic for attaining the gifts life had hidden for her in its treasures. And she wanted them immediately.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Being Oneself or Being One and Only

Once upon a time there was a girl named Rubab. She lived in the beautiful valley of Eden. Her Eden was a beautiful valley with lush green scenes and her loneliness. That loneliness did not mean that she had no friends. rather it means that her biggest friend was herself. And yes the bond she felt with the most Beneficial power was her only treasure.